
Showing posts from April, 2020

In the Midst of Global Pandemic

We've heard politicians, pastors, celebrities, business leaders, and just about anyone who can talk tell us that we'll get through this, we're all in this together. I wanted to head down that path and write a piece so inspirational and powerful that the world would find wisdom for this time. But then I reconsidered. What could I add that hadn't already been said? Not much. So I did this instead. II Timothy 1:7 has been coursing through my mind since this all began. I decided to use it as a base, and then include Scripture that connected (sometimes tightly, sometimes loosely) to parts of that verse. My hope is that God might speak to you through one of these passages, and that will be a whole lot more effective than anything I could possibly write (although each passage below cries out to be preached, but I will contain myself). I hope you find some comfort, some inspiration, some motivation from something below. I've used the New King James Version because I like